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Graphics are not just decoration for stories but can take the story to a whole new level.
This show was produced by a different team each day so it was important for me to establish a consistent brand that all of the show producers could replicate. I created a brand standard guide that they could use to put together the show and all graphics were created by me.
A refresh of the set is a yearly tradition for the Eagle Nation News staff, and typically some furniture is rearranged and new graphics are made. Seasons five and six featured a large desk that took up much of the set, leaving no room for additional sets. We knew that we wanted daily weather, sports, pop culture, social media show (Eagle Minute), and the main anchor desk set for season seven so we had to reconstruct the entire set. In the summer before the season seven launch, Cristina Folsom (executive producer) and I assessed what supplies we had and designed a new set for the upcoming season. Many of the supplies we already had in different places of the set, while others had to be purchased and created for the set.
After drawing out our design, we created a “shopping list” to purchase things to fill our set.
Click here to learn about how we raised the money to purchase the materials we needed for the set.
We got all of our supplies and grabbed our power tools, ripped down walls and framed new ones to make our designs a reality. Every bit of the set was designed and built by Cristina and me (with the help of our fathers). After three weeks of work every night, the studio had a brand new look that gave us a fresh feel for the launch of season seven of Eagle Nation News.

HTN Daily Season 1
Eagle Nation News Season 7
As the News Director of both Hill Top News and Eagle Nation News, I was in charge of all digital media and graphic identities for each show. I found inspiration and created each of the graphics below in Adobe After Effects. It was important to me to make sure that none of the graphics distract from the storytelling and instead amplify the show.
HTN Daily Special Editions
Intro Sequence
Intro Sequence
Morning Show Intro Sequence
Local News Over-The-Shoulder

Campus News Over-The-Shoulder

Election Show Two-Box

Lower Third

Lower Third

Morning Show Lower Third



Election Show Monitor Wall
As mentioned in my photojournalism page, the Blue Hawk Yearbook has a staff of only two people. The adviser of HTN is also the adviser of the yearbook publication, and I have seen that team struggle to make deadlines and cover a school of more than 2,000 students with two staffers. I have had the opportunity to expand my knowledge and pick up a few yearbook spreads. The spread below is coverage of the talent show auditions, and all photography in the spread is my own.

This segment was created to get the student body engaged in the HTN Daily shows by having student-athletes and club leaders answer trivia questions and eat gross foods. What’s there not to love? For this segment, I wanted it to have an older neon sign feel, so I designed After Effects' graphics to go along with it. Background loops, lower thirds and trivia boxes all match to create a cohesive look for the show.

Part of building the Rock Hill Media and Hill Top News program was designing a logo that was distinguishable from other programs. Many of the campus programs took the easy road and used the school mascot for their programs' logos. We thought this was a dull and repetitive way to market the program, so we chose to make our own. I designed over 30 logos for both programs, and here are a few of them:
We narrowed it down to the final two after about two weeks of modifying the designs. The logos can be seen all over our school on posters, merchandise, graphics and on our content that we produce. We make sure to watermark all of our photos to keep people from distributing them.

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